Three Myths about Psychotherapy for Narcissist Abuse in Los Angeles.

  1. People should be able to work through their relationship problems on their own. Going to a therapist means that you are weak.

On the contrary. Someone who is struggling with the effects of narcissist abuse such as name-calling, being told that they are too sensitive and that everything wrong with the relationship is their fault as well as fearing to express their needs deserves a safe place where they can talk to someone that can help them understand what has happened.

Someone confronting what isn't working in their life is tremendously courageous - far from weak.

2.  Psychotherapy for healing narcissist abuse is mostly just talking.

There is talk during a psychotherapy session but it's not all talking. It is not uncommon for a person healing from narcissist abuse to have a form of trauma called Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  The healing process takes time.  There are modalities other than talk to help unpack the CPTSD.

When the therapist is trained in a body-oriented method there are times when movement is used.  Mindfulness can be used to identify feelings by quietly paying attention to what is going on internally.  A mindfulness technique called interactive-guided meditation is a way of accessing the intuition of the client to build inner strength and gain access to the innate wisdom that they may have lost touch with due to the stress endured in the narcissistic relationship.  

3. Psychotherapists can make clients feel immediately better after each session.

The reality of the healing process is that sometimes things feel worse before they get better. When someone is seeking therapy for narcissistic abuse there is a phase of acknowledging the situation that they find themselves in. It's not unusual for someone to minimize the abuse by saying things like; "it's not all that bad…I’ve lived through X many years…Maybe if I change my partner will change.  The realization that a severe narcissist is not interested in changing can take time to accept. When this understanding happens it brings to light that there is little hope that they will ever be loved by the person that should love them the most.

Yes, some therapy sessions leave the client feeling relieved and with a sense of strength, however, some sessions open up intense feelings of sadness grief, or anger. Therapists are there to help provide tools and experiences that will lead to healing and growth.

I am here to help you get any questions you might be having about therapy in Los Angeles.

Free Consultation for help finding a therapist in Los Angeles

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Los Angeles. If you want more help finding what would be best, click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. I'd be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help recovering from narcissistic abuse, you can read more about how I can help here.


How Psychotherapy in Los Angeles Can Help You Heal Narcissistic Abuse


What to Expect from Counseling, Therapy, Psychotherapy, and Coaching in Los Angeles